Friday, March 9, 2007

Jacob's turn...

This girl she's... uh very evil, she fights everybody. This guy is named Jacob, he's trying to block the bomb. He tried to stab the girl, but he couldn't. He saved the princess. He tried to kill the bad guy but he couldn't, she was very powerful. She um, uh. He was the biggest fan, he was great at drawing. He played the violin till he was thirteen and he did the sword fighting till he was eleven. He fighted when he was eighty. He was young when he first started. He started out feeding dinosaurs and laying baby eggs. He had no confidence in her. She had no detail on her drawing, she just scribble scrabble scribble scrabble. She started to fight when she was one. She had green hair and she had no, no, no, uh a thousand men, Jacob fight all of them and killed all of them. He was a very good fighter. He was in kindergarten when he, he helped people in kindergarten. He had very good confidence and he liked to draw. The end.

The funny thing is that when I read it back he corrected me on some of the content. This is exactly how he wanted it to sound.


Anonymous said...

Wow, funny and disturbing at the same time. Perhaps the green haired girl is just misunderstood... maybe she had some traumatic experiences growing up and just needs someone to love her.

Just a thought - yikes!

Mike Jones said...

Hey man! Glad to see you back in the blogosphere again. Interesting post and cool drawing! I can totally imagine your son dictating this to you.

kristen said...

Artists must run in this Jones family!!

Aunt Kristen

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