Saturday, June 30, 2007

Oregon - The Stephanie Inn

Well, Oregon was green and BEAUTIFUL. It was just so overwhelming that you just can't capture the splendor of it in a picture! We tried. 93 times we tried. Here are a couple of some good ones.

The seaside was incredible. A huge beach that went for miles. The big attraction is Haystack Rock that has all kinds of living stuff on it, from birds to sea stars. I know it looks small in the pictures, but is actually 235 feet tall. Can you say... 'Goonies'?

The Inn itself was very nice. Very elegant. Very pampering and just a wonder to look at. All kinds of flowers and just awesome stuff.

The last day it rained, which would make you think that the day was ruined and too foggy to see anything, but it actually made some of the stuff even MORE amazing.

We saw a bunch of other really awesome stuff, but I just can't post them all here. The BEST part of the trip... BY FAR... was getting to hang out with my best friend... my wonderful wife :)


kristen said...

Glad you guys had a good time!! Sounds like fun! It was good getting to see a picture of B!! I miss her!!! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hey-great pictures! I am so glad you had a good time. The pictures are wonderful. You both look good. In Kentucky we have different types of trees-but lots of green-love the green!

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