Friday, June 29, 2007

South Beaching it...

Well, I'm on to the South Beach Diet. It's kind of like Atkins without the fat and a few more good carbs.

A little rough though after coming off of the vacation diet... you know, blue berry scones, fresh cherries, strawberries, mango, pineapple, kiwi and every other fruit you can think of. Steak, baked potatoes (the worst carb on the SBD), shrimp, pasta, sourdough bread, rosemary bread and every other type of baked item you can think of. Tillamook Ice Cream (I didn't even know it existed before this week, but it is a wonderful thing).

I skipped the customary Friday morning bagel with cream cheese and went with an egg, bacon and spinach panini (minus the panini). Then lunch was In-n-Out burger! Protein style! Ice tea. Not bad. I think I can handle this. Just ate my 15 almonds and I'm sipping some coffee (black). I think I can do this. Brandi is making tacos for dinner (no sour cream and romaine instead of tortillas). Good stuff. I think I can hang with this. Phase one is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

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