Thursday, October 4, 2007

The sweetest thing

Okay, so this has to be the sweetest thing in the world. My mother-in-law decided that the older kids need to get out for some grandma time, so she picked them up and took them to Peter Piper for some pizza and games. Brandi and I and Gabe went to lunch and then came back. Brandi went to the store and picked up a couple of things and then came back and took a nap. She took Gabe in with her and when I openned the door to check on them this is what I saw. Does it get any more precious than this?


The White Family said...

Ok,that must get you husband of the year award or at least a ton of brownie points Keith. :)

Anonymous said...

Ohhh-your blog is full of incredible pictures today! How precious-sweet Brandi and precious baby-doesn't get any better!

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