Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hey now! You're a rock star!

This was pretty cute. In Jacob's Kindergarten class they have the "student of the day". Well, Jacob had his day earlier this week and as part of their day everyone in the class draws a picture of the student and the teacher or one of the helpers writes on the picture what they like about the student. I must say this turned out to be very entertaining. Evidently Jacob has about 3 or 4 girls that think he is very "handsome and cute", but my favorite one was
"I like Jacob because he is a rock star and we play freeze tag!"


The funny thing was when ANOTHER kid said something similar! Evidently Jacob IS a rock star.

Kids are hilarious.


kristen said...

He is a rock star!! congratulations on starting kindergarten Jacob!!

Love Aunt Kristen

Anonymous said...

Jacob-you are a star all right-Honey!! I'm not surprised the little girls like you!!

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